File list for noweb/contrib/avs
This is not in Noweb 2.7a but it has been proposed to be in the contrib dir
Thus these files are from

Although the target is Dos I use .tar.gz format instead of .arj or .zip because
anyhow you need DJGPP (which has gzip) and MKS (which has tar) to use this. For
your convenience just in case (i.e. you only have MKS yet and will be using
my instructions to get DJGPP) I supply the file' (you should rename it to gzip.exe)

           CHANGE THIS:
myenv.ksh --> edit this file for your environment (Korn shell script)

readme --> brief description
email --> my contact info
norman1.txt --> mail sent to Norman Ramsey describing this Dos HOWTO
filelist.txt --> this file
howto386.txt --> documentation/troubleshooting/explanation/Dos recipe
ftpsites.txt --> where to get additional software that might be required

icon.1 -->  NROFF processed man file for Icon (because we are using it)
jrtex12a.avs --> excellent J. Refling's PC386 LaTeX2e HOWTO annotated by me
mks42bug.0d --> text file with my personal list of MKS 4.2 bugs
report1.bug --> bug report for noweb 2.7a

           BUILD & INSTALL SCRIPTS (used by myenv.ksh):
mksfixes.ksh --> fix noweb.ksh and cpif.ksh for the MKS Toolkit 4.2
generate.ksh --> generates 'automate.bat' (the build/install script)
nwicon.bat --> Make Icon code (the '\\\\' hack)
nw_c.bat --> Patch DJGPP bug & Make C code & avoid out of memory errors
nwinst.ksh --> install Noweb (just to separate install from build)
make_ico.awk --> patches noweb/src/icon/makefile for Ms-Dos
make_src.awk --> patches noweb/src/makefile for Ms-Dos
make_xdo.awk --> patches noweb/src/xdoc/makefile for Ms-Dos
make_lib.awk --> patches noweb/src/lib/makefile for Ms-Dos

      2      17     122    email
     59     353    2735    filelist.txt
     63     412    2978    ftpsites.txt
    114     687    4883    generate.ksh
    254    2270   13918    howto386.txt
    330    1243   10462    icon.1
   1054    5692   43470    jrtex12a.avs
     50     297    1694    make_ico.awk
     12      80     498    make_lib.awk
     72     509    2832    make_src.awk
     14     104     593    make_xdo.awk
    128    1219    7347    mks42bug.0d
     14     110     714    mksfixes.ksh
     38     321    1923    myenv.ksh
    136    1409    8168    norman1.txt
     62     288    2077    nw_c.bat
     43     201    1411    nwicon.bat
      9      33     253    nwinst.ksh
     39     302    1807    readme
     97     796    4554    report1.bug
   2590   16343  112439    total